
How to Build a Social Media Marketing Funnel

How to Build a Social Media Marketing Funnel
by Neil Patel on May 2, 2014

Who says social media doesn’t convert? Seth Godin noted: “You can use social media to turn strangers into friends, friends into customers, and customers into salespeople.”

You already know that everyone is on these social sites, so I’m not going to bore you with stats on the number of users each social site has. But did you know that you are 51% more likely to buy a product if you hear good things about it on Facebook? Or, better yet, you are 68% more likely to buy a product if you read about it on Twitter?

Now that you know social media can convert strangers into customers, the next step for you to take is to build a social media marketing funnel. To explain how you can do that, I’ve created an infographic that breaks down the necessary steps.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

How to Build a Social Media Marketing Funnel

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


I’ve grown all of my companies through social media, and I’ve found the strategy to be very effective. The one thing I’ve learned through this process, however, is that you can’t expect your social media traffic to provide you with a high return on investment from direct conversions.

Typically, when users come to your site from Twitter or Facebook, they don’t buy right away. But they do come back to your website within a week or a month if they liked what they saw there. That’s when they are more likely to make the purchase.

The best way to get these users back to your website is through remarketing platforms like AdRoll. Alternatively, you can collect their emails by offering them a free ebook or a coupon and then get them to purchase from you through email marketing.

Are you generating sales through social media?



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